Mango Chutney

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Believe it or not, I discovered chutney not too long ago…You probably won’t believe where either – Argentina. Yep…I’ve always known about chutney, I’ve know what it’s paired with but never really – really – tried it correctly. And it’s at my favorite Indian restaurant in Argentina where I discovered how delicious a chutney could be.

Chutney, I believe, is one of those jars that you constantly have to have in your fridge…be it the kind that you like. Put it on a cracker, spread it on bread for a flavorful sandwich, as a small side for your delivered home-made curry. I feel it rounds out a dish perfectly by adding the right amount of flavor and spice!

Mango Chutney Recipe:

2 cups Light Brown Sugar

1 cup White Vinegar

4-5 Mangos cut into 1/2 inch cubes

1 large Onion medium dice

1 1/2 inch piece Ginger minced

1 large Garlic Clove minced

1 teaspoon Mustard Seeds

1/4 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper

*Ginger, garlic and cayenne can be added to your liking…like it hot?! Just add more!

Bring the sugar and vinegar to a boil. Add the rest of the ingredients in at once and simmer for about 45 minutes. Keep an eye on the pot and stir every once in a while, you’ll notice the chutney will begin to thicken and you’ll know it’s ready!

Have 4 to 5 half pint jars ready to be filled. Want a quick and easy way to can? Boil water and fill the jars and tops to the top, let it sit for a minute and pour the water out. While your chutney is still piping hot, fill the jars and close.

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I’ll let you know this chutney will not last very long in the fridge – not because it’s gonna go bad – but BECAUSE YOU’RE GONNA BE EATING IT! A delicious balance of sweet, sour, and the right amount of spice. Now get to ordering that curry and pair it with your very own chutney!


Energy Truffles for Energetic Kids

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About a month ago I was invited by my friend Gus to PS 314/105 in Sunset Park to volunteer at an after school program he leads. He knows I love food, he knows I love kids – what better way to volunteer than this?!

I would be heading the program this day and I had to come up with a creative yet simple snack for a group of kids to make! Oh…AND it had to be raw. A difficult task, yes, but so worth it!

So, being that this was an after school program that these kids CHOSE to be in, you can imagine their excitement! I have to admit I was a bit nervous, I had never done anything like this. Cook in front of a group, give them clear instructions while at the same time explaining why this snack is super nutritious!

And so it began…

Gus led me through the beginning where we played an ice-breaker game…words like peace and love involved…and it was lovely! We explained why we need to wash our hands before we handle food…and they all ran to the bathroom! haha

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The ingredients were all out and ready to use. I had the kids guess what each of them was and then explained the health benefits! The best moment was when I had them try a ‘chocolate’ chip – they all guessed…yup, chocolate…and they were surprised to hear they were carob chips! After being broken up into groups the kids could not wait to get cooking. I will share with you my recipe so you can follow along. =)

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1 cup Oats

1/2 cup Nut Butter (we used Sunflower Seed butter)

1/2 cup Honey

1/2 cup Nuts (we used Sunflower Seeds)

1/2 cup Ground Flax

1/2 cup Carob Chips

Splash of Vanilla

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All you have to do is put all the ingredients in a bowl, stir them up into a uniform mix and you are ready to form into truffles! Now, in this particular case we did not have a fridge to work with. But if you do, let the mix set up in the fridge for about 20min. When the time has elapsed have your kids form little balls with they’re hands, they can even roll them in cacao or coconut if you’d like and…tadaa!

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His face says it all doesn’t it?! This sweet treat will have your kids smiling from the inside out!


Beat It Up!

BATIDOOMy go-to morning or afternoon drink when mate just doesn’t do it…a Batido! I learned how to make this from my beautiful and beloved Nelida. When I was young, just hearing the ‘clack, clack, clack’ sound of the spoon beating inside a mug got me super excited.
So I guess I can say making myself a batido makes me feel at home, all comfy inside. It is a bit of a process, but a good cup of coffee should be right?! Some people may be against this post because they don’t like instant coffee – but that’s alright! I say try it, and if you still don’t like it at least you have a reason not to!

1.5 rounded tablespoon of instant coffee
1.5 rounded tablespoon of sugar of your choice
Splash of water
1 cup of milk of your choice (or enough to fill your favorite mug)

Start by grabbing your favorite mug, put the coffee and sugar in and mix them together. Now let me stop right here to say something about the sugar. It has to be real sugar or raw brown sugar. Unfortunately stevia, or any powdery ‘light sugars’ don’t work. This is because for the texture to come out right the sugar needs to be grainy…if that makes sense. Just trust me and use the real thing!
Put your milk in a pot and start to warm it up.
Now add a splash of water to the coffee-sugar mix, just enough, not too much! Grab your spoon and get your beat on!

‘Clack, clack, clack’ switch hands ‘clack, clack, clack’

You’ll start to notice how the coffee-sugar mix starts to get creamy and turns a beautiful camel color. Don’t stop beating until it’s just right…with experience you’ll know! 😉
Your milk should be nice and hot by now. Pour it carefully into your mug as you simultaneously and slowly stir with your other hand. The creamy mixture you created will dissolve into the milk and a perfect frothy cream will form at the top of the mug – perfection!
Know you don’t need to use all milk, I know that for some this could be too heavy – try replacing half with water and see what you like! Make it yours by adding whatever you like to the mix. I’ve tried a bit of cinnamon for a little spice or a little cocoa powder for a mocha version!
Good morning, good afternoon…start it or end it right!