Energy Truffles for Energetic Kids

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About a month ago I was invited by my friend Gus to PS 314/105 in Sunset Park to volunteer at an after school program he leads. He knows I love food, he knows I love kids – what better way to volunteer than this?!

I would be heading the program this day and I had to come up with a creative yet simple snack for a group of kids to make! Oh…AND it had to be raw. A difficult task, yes, but so worth it!

So, being that this was an after school program that these kids CHOSE to be in, you can imagine their excitement! I have to admit I was a bit nervous, I had never done anything like this. Cook in front of a group, give them clear instructions while at the same time explaining why this snack is super nutritious!

And so it began…

Gus led me through the beginning where we played an ice-breaker game…words like peace and love involved…and it was lovely! We explained why we need to wash our hands before we handle food…and they all ran to the bathroom! haha

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The ingredients were all out and ready to use. I had the kids guess what each of them was and then explained the health benefits! The best moment was when I had them try a ‘chocolate’ chip – they all guessed…yup, chocolate…and they were surprised to hear they were carob chips! After being broken up into groups the kids could not wait to get cooking. I will share with you my recipe so you can follow along. =)

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1 cup Oats

1/2 cup Nut Butter (we used Sunflower Seed butter)

1/2 cup Honey

1/2 cup Nuts (we used Sunflower Seeds)

1/2 cup Ground Flax

1/2 cup Carob Chips

Splash of Vanilla

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All you have to do is put all the ingredients in a bowl, stir them up into a uniform mix and you are ready to form into truffles! Now, in this particular case we did not have a fridge to work with. But if you do, let the mix set up in the fridge for about 20min. When the time has elapsed have your kids form little balls with they’re hands, they can even roll them in cacao or coconut if you’d like and…tadaa!

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His face says it all doesn’t it?! This sweet treat will have your kids smiling from the inside out!


Whoooly Moly

whole_foodsGiven the amazing locations I’ve been writing about all this time, you’ll probably laugh at me when you read this…

If I had to choose one place to eat at for the rest of my life – deep inhale, relaxing exhale – yes, I choose Whole Foods.

We all know WF right? You walk in and instantly the first thing that hits you is the colors – like a slap in the face (making you feel guilty after all the junk you’ve been consuming). Organic fruits, vegetables, flowers, nuts, seeds, clothing, ahh!! You can smell how healthy this place is – and you love it!

To tell you the truth I don’t actually grocery shop here, prices are way too high to make it my regular go-to. But there is something in here that is so totally worth it!


Yup, after a mid-morning walk with my mom Susy, to keep up with the healthy ‘glow’, we head on over to Whole Foods for lunch! What I personally go for is a big ‘ol mix of they’re prepared salads, a cup of soup, and a perfectly puffed up whole wheat mini baguette of course.

So about the salads – you know when you get home after work and all you want is something light but still crave creativity? All you can come up with is cut up romaine, store bought croutons and a dollop of Caesar dressing? – just sad. The team at WF clearly does not have this issue. The variety here is insane, and you want to try it all! Asian noodle salad with peanut dressing, chicken with Turkish dried apricots, Mediterranean orzo with feta and olives, ginger orange beets…the list is never-ending, and it’s all perfectly dressed.

Oh man, and the soups. Again, variety! My two go-to’s – split pea or lentil – and on a really cold day…fiiiine…I’ll take the barley mushroom. =)

Before we head over to the check out lines Susy and I stop, no exception, at the baked goods section. I think I’ve mentioned my favorite meal of the day? La merienda?! That’s tea-time for me. I need something to accompany my mate people! Cookies are good, but go for ANY of the muffins, my favorite – blueberry!

…and that’s why I choose Whole Foods.

The End

A Healthy Choice


Sun is shining, birds are chirping, flowers blooming…I’d say it’s a perfect day to brunch at Sun In Bloom.

This cute little spot in Park Slope serves unique dishes that nourish – and I mean NURISH – the community. They offer delicious concoctions that can be enjoyed by all…but especially by health nuts…uhh health nuts like me duh!

Ok, ok…I know what you’re probably thinking…’You a health nut?! All this talk about pizza, doughnuts, food all day, food all night’…People, I have my moments. There are mornings (as few as they may be) when I wake up and just feel like eating something super health-ey! And as much as I have my favorite burger joint, I also have my healthy choice that hits the spot in the same exact way.

Moving right along…

They specialize in organic, vegan, raw, and macrobiotic dishes. Not satisfied you health junkie?! Well get this…they also serve gluten-free vegan baked goods and raw desserts aaand all of their food, desserts, and beverages are made from scratch in their kosher kitchen….eat that for breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner! Boo-ya!

So let’s step right into what hungover Amy and I ordered on this beautiful Sunday lunchternoon. Those who know me, and especially those who have brunched with me know how hard it is – for me – to decide between sweet and savory. So yeah, one person in the group is basically obligated to split two dishes. What?! Im doing them a favor!

In this case they were two dishes that were highly recommended…Dish Uno: Their famous gluten-free pancakes topped with your choice of fresh fruit, walnuts, and pure maple syrup hmm…and Dish Numero Dos: Their ‘You won’t believe it’s not bacon’ BLT, add avocado to that…you won’t regret it! And I’m not telling you what the (NOT) bacon is…all I’m sayin’ is it’s delicious!

Choose healthy today and skip on over to 460 Bergen Street. Enjoy an incredibly attentive staff, a great atmosphere, and most importantly really great dishes. You’ll be floating out of there (that’s how light the food is) and bloomin’ like the sun! ;o) Enjoy!
