Mango Chutney

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Believe it or not, I discovered chutney not too long ago…You probably won’t believe where either – Argentina. Yep…I’ve always known about chutney, I’ve know what it’s paired with but never really – really – tried it correctly. And it’s at my favorite Indian restaurant in Argentina where I discovered how delicious a chutney could be.

Chutney, I believe, is one of those jars that you constantly have to have in your fridge…be it the kind that you like. Put it on a cracker, spread it on bread for a flavorful sandwich, as a small side for your delivered home-made curry. I feel it rounds out a dish perfectly by adding the right amount of flavor and spice!

Mango Chutney Recipe:

2 cups Light Brown Sugar

1 cup White Vinegar

4-5 Mangos cut into 1/2 inch cubes

1 large Onion medium dice

1 1/2 inch piece Ginger minced

1 large Garlic Clove minced

1 teaspoon Mustard Seeds

1/4 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper

*Ginger, garlic and cayenne can be added to your liking…like it hot?! Just add more!

Bring the sugar and vinegar to a boil. Add the rest of the ingredients in at once and simmer for about 45 minutes. Keep an eye on the pot and stir every once in a while, you’ll notice the chutney will begin to thicken and you’ll know it’s ready!

Have 4 to 5 half pint jars ready to be filled. Want a quick and easy way to can? Boil water and fill the jars and tops to the top, let it sit for a minute and pour the water out. While your chutney is still piping hot, fill the jars and close.

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I’ll let you know this chutney will not last very long in the fridge – not because it’s gonna go bad – but BECAUSE YOU’RE GONNA BE EATING IT! A delicious balance of sweet, sour, and the right amount of spice. Now get to ordering that curry and pair it with your very own chutney!